have it all at work but living in fear of losing it
who want to gain the courage to make a big change in employment
Coming to talk with us can be very helpful when you are dealing with the decisions and emotions related to work changes.
Our individual sessions provide a good place to consider appropriate work options
while receiving confidential support for the varied emotions and decisions involved in lay-off and other job change
Wondering What It Is Like
to Meet with Us?
When you meet with one of us
we sit together in a small- or
medium-sized room and talk.
We both sit in chairs or on a sofa.
We take very few notes, if any,
preferring to devote our attention to you, rather than to unnecessary paperwork.
We are entirely confidential, withinthe confines of the law, and no one will overhear you talking with us.
Our clients have said that they find us very supportive.
We want you to feel comfortable and secure with us. We are indeed easy to talk to!
We are on your side. We are not interested in focusing on diagnosis of
your problems; we simply want to help you make things better for you.
We talk with you during our sessions, and will probably ask a lot of questions during the first session. You don't have to just try to think of something to say. If you don't want to answer something we ask, just don't answer.
Solutions and improvement come from our working together to find them. We do not simply tell you what to do.
And when you decide not to follow through with a plan, we are not frustrated with you, but - instead - see a new opportunity for learning a solution that is better for you.
last updated on: November 13, 2017
Words that
apply to us
and all our work:
self-confidence building
easy to talk to
fun to talk with
Wondering If You Are
Like Our Other Clients?
Our clients are, basically,
You do not need to fit any one category to come to see us and talk with us.
You may be experiencing job stress, family stress, marital stress, school stress, parenting stress, or no identifiable stress.
You may consider yourself to be depresssed or anxious or worried or none of these.
You may be employed or not employed, in school or not in school, in a relationship or not.
You may want to change any one or more of the conditions above, or not.
You may want to make things go better at work.
You may be a CEO or administrator who wants to talk and think things over in a confidential setting away from the office.