Professional Naming for Biotechnology

Nowdays an Internet presence plays an important part in naming.  Great names - those with the right connotations and sounds and emotional feel - were never plentiful, and the Internet has further limited their availability. Good domain names are running out! .

Obviously, unlike assembling a sign for your company from any combination of letters, names for websites are limited to the number of permutations of RELEVANT letters and syllables and words there are in the language.  Compounded upon this shortage is the demand that there is only one owner for each name, even for generic names.  Once a rival or private citizen registers the domain name you prefer, web traffic will go there when surfers type in a name.

Sophisticated business owners are now registering more than one domain name, not only to help direct customers looking for them, but also make sure that those unfamiliar with their business come to them, and not elsewhere.

And, a cartoon we like.